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The Top 10 Marketing Trends to Follow in 2022

Writer's picture: Dominic BanguisDominic Banguis

The landscape of digital marketing is poised to shift radically.

Time flies by far too quickly. I'm sure many of you will be planning your marketing strategy for 2022 soon. So, let's think about what marketing trends will shape 2022.

The most pressing concern remains: How will marketing evolve following the cookie's demise?

I'm sure you heard that Google declared that third-party cookie support in their Chrome browser would be phased out in 2022. It is significant, given that Chrome is the most popular browser, accounting for about 70% of all market share.

Nonetheless, the pandemic has a significant impact on our routines, and digital has become a new norm for doing many things. Even after the pandemic has passed, consumption patterns will persist.

But there are some things I am sure of.

  • Digital marketing will be increasingly more important in the future.

  • The importance of content marketing will grow.

  • D2C marketing will take the lead.

  • Brands will have to learn about their customers without relying on third-party data.

The Cookie Is Dead

Google announced that cookie tracking would be discontinued in early 2022. What does

this mean for your company?

Simple. It's shocking news, and it'll necessitate some significant changes.

Many advertising and businesses rely on tracking people across the internet. However, user privacy issues are becoming increasingly essential to an increasing number of internet users. It happened at a time when GDPR was being implemented, which made customers considerably more sensitive of their online privacy. Consumers can already opt out of third-party cookies and tracking, but digital advertisers are looking for methods to adapt their techniques.

Many businesses begin employing first-party data gathering or even zero-party data collecting in order to obtain information about customers and give appropriate advertising to facilitate online purchases.

The use of zero-party data is gaining traction. In a nutshell, it is information provided directly by a consumer to a brand. It can be done through a survey, gamification, or simple online consumer/brand engagement.

You should consider upgrading your CRM software because such data will be critical if cookie tracking is no longer in existence.

I'd want to outline some of the techniques you should have in place by 2022.

1. Make an investment in online events.

Online events (such as webinars, seminars, or product launches) are always a terrific method to reach out to existing and potential new clients.

I'm seeing an increase in the number of brands participating in online events. They also give them other chances, such as immediately acquiring data about the event's audience.

The data can later be utilized to create customer profiles and sell directly to them. It will reduce the need to rely on third-party information and will aid in the development of a closer relationship with the audience.

Online events may not generate a lot of money right once, but they will surely help your business develop in the long run.

2. Manage Your Own Audiences

In reality, your audience is owned by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media network. You don't have control over them. Even if it has been working well for you, you should be concerned — and begin to own your audience. Why?

First and foremost, you will be able to ensure that the message you want to communicate to your followers is delivered to them. Second, because today's algorithms have so many metrics and dependencies that actually effect the delivery of your message. People you wish to chat to, for example, are unlikely to be able to hear you. It is also assumed that those who follow you will also follow a slew of other firms and become lost in the marketing noise.

Did you realize that nearly 500 million tweets are sent every day? It's quite noisy out there! How do you ensure that your tweets are seen by your intended audience?

Did you know that more than 6 million businesses use Facebook ads to reach their target audiences? That's a lot of businesses!

Today's consumers have a very short attention span. Because of the continual influx of fresh information, it's often less than three seconds. As a result, it can be difficult to ensure that your material reaches your intended audience.

That is why 2022 should be the year you begin to own your audience. I know it's easier said than done, but you'll be able to attain some fantastic outcomes in the long run.

Newsletters are enticing. Consider this. Your audience's inbox is a private space, and if they're willing to let you in, you'll have their complete attention.

If you do manage to break into their email, though, your marketing plan will have to adapt. Content must become increasingly tailored and relevant to specific groups.

Furthermore, the trend of developing personalized content is set to be more significant than ever in 2022. People will become more choosy about what they consume as the internet world evolves and their expectations rise.

Brands will most likely devote more time to content creation (and not just for their internal teams but also customers). So, if you haven't started yet, I strongly advise you to do so right away! At the same time, ensure that your material is appealing to your target demographic or market niche.

3. Invest Time (and Money) in Creating a Powerful Brand Image

We live in an age where image is everything. If you want to build a powerful brand image, you must use the appropriate words and communicate in the proper way. Concentrate on building word-of-mouth by offering exceptional service to your consumers and keeping in touch with them quickly.

While digital advertising will continue to be important in your marketing plan, it is important to recognize that it will also grow more expensive. In fact, the cost of Google Ads has risen year after year since Google charges through bidding. Furthermore, as competition for internet advertising grows, the price you spend will likely rise as well.

You should consider naturally increasing brand awareness. Consider developing a strategy that will deliver long-term value to your audience. Instead of shouting "purchase from me now!" it may be a video tutorial, a weekly podcast, or site material that teaches and adds value.

4. Rather of hard-selling, become a thought-leader and educate.

According to digital marketing experts, most consumers are exposed to between 4,000 and 10,000 adverts every day. That's a lot of advertisements!

It's no surprise that people have become resistant to hard-sell tactics. In fact, when brands start pressuring customers to make a purchase, they go into defensive mode.

Rather than hard-selling your products or services, educate your customers on why they require you. It must be about convenience, and you must demonstrate that you can assist them.

Apple is the best of the best when it comes to consumer education (in my humble opinion). Their success is based on much more than well-designed phones, laptops, and tablets. They have done an excellent job of educating the consumer.

Aside from well-crafted advertisements, Apple also provides a location for its customers to learn about its products: its stores. The Genius Bar is a place where customers may come to learn more about the product, ask questions, and obtain assistance if necessary. The store's gurus rarely sell or try to persuade consumers to buy something or move from one item to another; instead, they demonstrate the capabilities of an Apple product and leave you to draw your own judgments.

More and more firms, primarily digital, are beginning to see the value of such marketing, and we can now see more following suit.

Hard selling will become increasingly useless. Instead, focus your efforts on finding ways to give convenience and educate your audience rather than developing hard-selling strategies.

5. Content Simplicity is the new king

Consumers are becoming increasingly interested in high-quality, one-of-a-kind content. Unfortunately, the amount of information on the internet is massive, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to produce high-quality, unique content.

Consumers don't want to see the same list of ten things to enhance productivity; they want to see something different. It might happen by taking a novel approach to a problem or by sharing personal experience and advice.

I understand how difficult it is to come up with fresh strategies to increase productivity, but you can contribute your own approach to being productive.

The blogging and influencer industries have expanded rapidly!

As a result, I recommend focusing on longer and more instructional material via blog posts and articles, as they are a wonderful tool for strong SEO and thought-leadership. They can, however, be more interactive at the same time. You can, for example, add quizzes, games, and questions to your blog, which perform very well. It's all thanks to Instagram's interactive stories, which have taken over the space.

Because quality is becoming increasingly crucial, I would avoid releasing substandard content as consumer expectations rise. Poor content will become increasingly irritating, and consumers will accept it less and less.

Keep in mind that you are not required to post every day. It's better to give higher-quality material less frequently, but make sure it's relevant, entertaining, and beneficial.

6. Embrace Personalization

We will have an increasing number of channels for our clients to consume marketing content in 2022 - videos, online articles, podcasts, and so on. These are several methods for brands to communicate with their customers in order to engage them in their message.

I would take the effort to learn about the channels that my target audience uses and would be present. Then, being on different channels will allow you to personalize your message to different audience groups and come across in the most enticing way to them.

For example, I've noticed that podcasting is on the rise. Now that Clubhouse is well-known, the tendency will only grow. True, not everyone will listen to your podcast, but those that do will have distinct interests and goals that you may use. As a result, create some kind of audience.

7. Create Content for Business-to-Business

B2B content is frequently overlooked. I've noticed that many B2B companies don't appreciate it and base their decision on the incorrect assumption that "businessmen don't look internet for answers," so they spend a lot of time and effort cold-calling and emailing.

I believe the most recent trend is to message people on LinkedIn. How many times did it succeed? It rarely works out in my experience. At the very least, I politely thank them for messaging and dismiss such sales tactics.

B2B content is critical. Trends change so quickly that B2B managers must occasionally turn to Google to find solutions to these shifts. I know I do that, and I know a lot of other managers who do it as well.

It's perfectly natural.

After reading a blog article about specific solutions, my faith in the brand grows, and I'm more interested in speaking with the representative to learn more. Would it work if the same brand exclusively messaged me on LinkedIn? Most likely not.

I base it on my intention. When I seek for something online, I intend to solve a problem that I'm having. I have no inclination to investigate when someone writes me an initial email or messages on LinkedIn since I am not thinking about the issue.

How many potential consumers are lost as a result of businesses refusing to produce B2B content?

8. Improve Your Storytelling Skills

If you read this blog regularly, you may be aware that I am a great fan of storytelling. Everyone will be a storyteller by 2022. Even brands must communicate in a way that conveys stories about their products or services.

Consumers aren't interested in hearing how amazing your product or service is. What they want to hear is a tale about a time when you assisted in the resolution of a specific challenge.

Many firms continue to use fancy language to describe their products. What is frequently missing is a real-world demonstration of the product's benefits.

Is it true that your service increased productivity by 50%? Display it.

Did your product aid in the achievement of a specific goal? Display it.

Did your product improve your customers' fitness levels? Display it.

Did your business solution assist another company in increasing delivery rates by 40%? Display it.

The new technique of marketing is through storytelling. It will not immediately sell, but it will cause your buyers to think, "Wow, maybe I should try this out."

9. Implement Marketing Automation

In 2022, we will witness an increase in the use of data-driven marketing efforts across a greater range of businesses. For example, including marketing automation into your digital marketing strategy will increase its efficiency and effectiveness because marketers will be able to automate workflows and spend less time on repeated duties.

Marketers will, however, be able to create consumer profiles and nurture them down the sales funnel. The "one size fits all" strategy has long since stopped working, and it's past time to consider segmenting different techniques, material, and sizes based on the audience you have.

Customers are getting far more knowledgeable and sophisticated. So, if you want to be in front of them when they search online for information about your product or service, you must track what they see online: article headlines, links shared from other websites, or social media posts about your brand that can help them make a decision.

In general, it is time to consider conversational (marketing) automation in order to strengthen interactions with customers and learn more about them. As a result, marketing automation will be critical in this path.

10. Consider Thinking Outside the Box

Whatever has been working for you thus far may no longer be effective. Keep it in mind.

Have you received a lot of queries through social media? How much of a conversion rate do you have? Has it decreased or increased? Whatever worked in the past may bring worse consequences in the future.

As a result, marketers must constantly experiment and think beyond the box.

Remember that consumer patterns have shifted as a result of the pandemic. The competitiveness has also increased as a result of COVID-19. As a result, consider if the strategy you've been utilizing is still producing the desired results.

It's a great opportunity to think outside the box and explore for more creative ways to sell.

Perhaps form a collaboration with another company whose product complements yours? Or should you place more focus on consumer behavior analysis and strategize depending on the information gathered?You can also experiment with new advertising platforms such as Quora or TikTok.

In conclusion

The year 2022 will see some major shifts in the way we market. The cookie's demise is a significant blow to the digital advertising on which many firms have relied significantly.

And, while we don't know what influence it will have, one thing is certain: consumers will continue to become more demanding. That is why it is important to begin experimenting with different advertising methods: experiment, measure, and ensure that they are effective.

Are you prepared to meet the rising demand? I certainly hope so.

The year 2022 is going to be amazing. I'm certain of it.

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